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SEO Tactics Undoubtedly Work in Today’s Era

SEO Tactics Undoubtedly Work in Today’s Era

There are many alarmists out there that claim SEO tactics are completely dead and they shouldn’t be used. However, it’s not entirely true. Of course, there are some SEO tactics that don’t work anymore and shouldn’t be used, but the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is still very much alive and work in today’s new era.

Dead SEO

Before beginning to understand which SEO you should be considering, you should learn about the types that are already gone and shouldn’t be used. It makes no sense to use a tactic that won’t get you results.

For example, keyword stuffing or hiding is definitely out. Before, writers would stuff keywords into an article or blog, not allowing any actual content to be present. It was all a sales pitch about the company or brand. This tactic doesn’t work.

Duplicated websites with different domains are another option that clearly doesn’t work. Companies would create multiple domains and then include their same website. This now tells search engines, including Google and others that your website is plagiarized (even though it is copied by you) and is removed.

Good Tactics

The use of keywords is still appropriate, but they should be kept to a minimum. Most writers tend to use a two or three percent ratio of keyword to regular content. This allows your keyword or phrase to three to be included six times and doesn’t make it sound spammy. However, meta-data is where you want to include your keyword or a variation of the keyword so that you get recognized online.

You should also include links, especially in content. You can link any webpage from your website to any word or phrase of your content, allowing readers instantly to get connected with you while reading your post or article.

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